That’s right! We have made it to the Dawn of the Viking Age! In this episode we will explore the first Viking Raids on Western Europe - the killing of the King’s Reeve in Portland in Dorset, and the Notorious Sacking of the Monastery of Lindisfarne.
We will talk about the bloody events themselves, the reactions of Western Europeans to the attacks, and set the stage for a discussion of the causes of these Viking Raids. I hope you are as excited as I am. Let’s do it!
New timeline, new release schedules and new logos - Oh My! Three short minutes - then back to the Viking Age!
In this episode we are going to do a lightning-tour through the Scandinavian Iron Age - beginning around 500 BCE and ending around 800 CE with the first Viking Raids. This period, spanning over 1000 years, is chocked full of political, technological, economic and cultural change in the North.
The goal of this episode is to provide a baseline understanding of the period which directly preceded the Viking Age, not for the test, but rather to give you a framework to work from when I start blabbering on about the Iron Age in later episodes.
In this episode we are going to explore the Game of Chiefdoms in the Nordic Bronze Age. Specifically look at the growing social and economic stratification which is defining of this age. We will look at how such inequality in wealth and power can develop, how such power can be maintained once achieved and the consequences of this growing inequality on society at large.
In this episode we will becovering the period from about 3500 - 2800 BCE, when Agriculturereally took hold in Scandinavia. We will explore what settlementpatterns emerged, how agriculture was practiced and how thenewly-minted Scandinavian farmers formed a relationship with theland they cultivated.
In the process we will learn about the impact of Polished FlintAxes and the Ard, take a tour of a Stone Age Farmhouse and becomeacquainted with the construction of Megalithic tombs which arestill visible today, almost 6000 years later.
The farming life was hard duringthis period, and the goal of this episode is to both bring thatstark reality to life. While doing so we will also explore some ofthe ways in which early Farmers adapted to this life, and the waysin which created relationships with their own past as well as theland they worked.